Walker (2000) では先行研究を取り上げて旋回半径を紹介している。
Norberg and Rayner (1987) formally defined maneuverability as the ability to turn in a confined space and have used the lengthspecific minimum radius of the turning path ($r_{path}/L$, where $L$ is total body length) as a measure of this performance. Webb (1994a) has advocated this limited definition of maneuverability for fishes.
-- Walker, 2000.
旋回かどうかにかかわらず、姿勢の変化率を意味することが多そう。天体で言うと「自転」の方。飛行物体で言うとロールレートなど。 あと、並進加速度や加加速度が大きいことも manoeuvrable というよりは agile と呼ぶような気がするけど、微妙/曖昧かも。
Walker (2000) では以下のように文の前半では "reorient the body" とあるのになぜか後半では "suggested turning rate" とありこれは旋回率のことだ。これは誤解しているのか、誤解を招きかねないので不適切だと思う。あるいは Webb (1994a) での定義が曖昧なのかもしれない。
Webb (1994a) defined agility as the ability to quickly reorient the body and suggested turning rate, ω, as a measure of agility.
-- Walker, 2000.
- Norberg, U. and Rayner, J. M. V. (1987). Ecological morphology and flight in bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera): wing adaptations, flight performance, foraging strategy and echolocation. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 16, pp. 335–427.
- Walker, J. A. (2000). DOES A RIGID BODY LIMIT MANEUVERABILITY? J. Exp. Biol. 203, pp. 3391–3396.
- Webb, P. W. (1994a). The biology of fish swimming. In Mechanics and Physiology of Animal Swimming (ed. L. Maddock, Q. Bone and J. M. V. Rayner), pp. 45–62. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Webb, P. W. (1994b). Exercise performance of fish. In Comparative Vertebrate Exercise Physiology: Phyletic Adaptations (ed. J. H. Jones), pp. 1–49. San Diego: Academic Press.